You have a thing for stars
and constellations, you announce
as we hang out in front
of our favorite sari-sari store,
each of us smoking a stick
of Winston Lights in between sips
of RC Cola from a plastic pouch,
and munching on Happy Peanuts.
I like looking at the stars, too,
and just like you,
I have also made countless wishes
while watching them twinkle.
For hours, almost every night,
I stare at the sky,
wondering when my prayers
would finally be granted.
You have a thing for stars
and constellations, again, you announce.
Our cigarettes have long been gone;
our sodas and peanuts, consumed.
The sari-sari store is now closing
and although it would be lovely
to keep listening to your countless stories
about stars and constellations
and how they shape our lives,
no matter how nice
it would be to gaze at the stars all night,
to our homes, we must run.
In no time, the cops will be here
to comb through the street for bystanders.
Tomorrow, let’s look at the stars again,
but, perhaps, just not beyond 10 PM.