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Random Pickings


Zero Hour Doc Hours from here My man went from door to door Offering our pigs and chickens at half the price For any moving vehicle that could...


Woman Woman is daylightWoman is God’s gardenWoman is rib of creation Woman is legend Woman is myth and miracle Woman is spring Woman is hope Woman is faith Woman is love Woman...

Asylum pieces

at 53 my sinfulness pervades the daily news and “justifies all my childhood abuse”— i thank all for the times when I can choose to turn to earthly...

Letting Go

That one moment,When I realized,I have to be stronger,Braver than ever…Not for myself. The longing stare,Yet peaceful sense,That warm embrace,And loving words…“You are my angel.” My...

Arranging Furniture at Midnight

I move chairs at midnight, Adjusting my wife’s preference Which one is facing which. The cats are doing football Banging on tables and walls. All six of them, Siamese versus Persian All team High Maintenance. My angry wife wakes up, Reminding us she needs to sleep. I’d pay for this in the morning, When...


The chisel as creator Lends shape to wood, to stone. Shape being the truth of character, Reality of body and bone, Sculpted fact of form, The confidence of matter. The paintbrush as creator Draws maps of rainbows, Contours of celebrations, Then blends faithful colors With their reserved spaces. Spaces being the measure of possibilities That...

Indignation as Elegy

An elephant without a face greeted me on Facebook today, his trunk and tusks hacked away by poachers eager for ivory. At first I thought it was a watermelon sliced in half, mistaking the pinkish blood for the pulpy flesh of succulent fruit. Why bother to extract excessive teeth and risk being...

Two Poems

ELEGY I am trying to catch the best of Life as lived with my grandchildren I am trying to comprehend death When I see humans good as dead As a sudden explosion transforms A house of healing Into grim inferno of the dead and the dying And wounded children wailing Desperately looking For...

Along the Astral Sky

For that one person that I never met,why does my heart feel so shallow?you take a huge portion of my soulyet somehow we never crossed paths. The whole universe stops when I imagineyou making dreams better than all realities.Two entities dazzling in the void...


Yarn, like stemsWinding around a steel bough. Shaped into something different,Gloves, a scarf – a present
For your absentee mother. Stalks pulled apart by tensionWith lasting curls,
Never returning to what it was.

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