Franchising Guru unfolds 6th book: “An Entrepreneur’s Journey”

Is your heart driving you towards running a business?

If it is your passion, then invest in learning and re-learning. Be equipped as a franchising guru Armando “Butz” Bartolome launches a book entitled, “An Entrepreneur’s Journey.” Absorb his expertise as he generously shares his 26 years of experience in coaching pertaining to running and growing a business.

Taken from the word of the author himself: “To reach the top and find that sense of joy and fulfilment at the end of the journey. Will you give all you have to achieve these? The road an entrepreneur takes is packed with bumps, smiles, big and small victories along the way. The greatest achievement is not just the successful business you have but what you have become during this journey. No one will absolutely be the same at the end of the travel. The relationships you have formed will surely have made your life nobler and worth reminiscing. In the end, the journey has been worth all the efforts, sleepless night and even tears because you have improved the life of many others around you and others you have touched.” Armando O. Bartolome

Getting to know the Guru: Bartolome is the founder and president of GMB Franchise Developers established in 1993. GMB is one of the leading franchise consulting firms in the Philippines and have helped numerous companies find huge success in franchising. He has conducted 650 seminars on “How to Franchise” and “How to Identify the Right Franchise Opportunities” locally and internationally.

This is his 6th book to be published. One of the books, entitled “Is Franchising For You?”, was awarded as the Book of the Year 2012 (Professions Category) by the National Book Development Board and the Manila Critics Circle.

The book, An Entrepreneur’s Journey is available in softbound print with 146 pages and recommendable for new startup, existing entrepreneurs, students and OFWs.

This is also good as a present/gift for any occasions for people you love. Be blessed as the author reveals the complete package of what an entrepreneur is or should be. The mentoring is detailed and each page is a genuine grace of handing over the author’s specialty with a heart. Furthermore, as you read the book, it leads you to a process of self-evaluation, the right attitude and the right people to work with you. It is a walk through the path of An Entrepreneur’s Journey—preparing and molding you to be a successful one. Interested parties may email

Visit his website: www. ; like and follow him on Facebook: @GMBMSglobal Instagram: @franguru Twitter: @philfranguru



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