Every step I make on board
I am ensured a duty
A little chance to defend my King
To prove him my fealty
And every box I step ahead
Going to the other side
They promise me a promotion
That may help turn the tide
So on and on I marched ahead
Avoiding other pieces
If I am patient I sure will
Be enjoying all my riches
No matter how small the step they say
I should never surrender
I shall persevere persistently
In this service that I render
But as I had been left behind
In the middle of the board
I see the Bishop and the Knight
Taking all the hoard
Even the Rooke who has always been
Such a straightforward guy
Has decided to cover the King
And protect Him as he hides
A few more steps and I will be
Promoted to a Piece
When I had seen our Queen attacked
And by the enemy would be seized
Instead of taking that step further
The hands of fate decide
That I shall take the fall instead
And in that game, I died
And when our King survived that match
Unscathed, unbruised, untouched
I realized for the life of me
I mattered not that much
For as long as the game stays the same
And this system goes on and on
No matter how hard one tried in life
There will be Pieces, and there will be Pawns.