Fourteen secondary school teachers and staff of Andarayan National Highschool in Solana, Cagayan received ₱10,000.00 EC cash assistance each from the Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC) on April 20, 2022, due to their work-related Covid19.
Two of the recipients shared their gratitude and said, “The Andarayan National Highschool would like to express our sincerest thanks and gratitude to the Employees’ Compensation Commission for the EC cash assistance given to its faculty members who were infected with Covid19. God speed and more power,” Elizabeth P. Ubina said.
“The ECC Cash Assistance Program is highly commendable and is of big help to those of us who were once infected with Covid19 virus. I would love to share this program to others too,” Jennifer Lou B. Abuzo said.
Schools may have closed and classes may have been taught at a different platform but teachers and staff still meet at the school physically to plan and prepare modules for their students and that’s when the workplace transmission of Covid19 virus transpired.
It was through the social media and webinars that they have learned about the EC
Program and after an inquiry they had filed for their EC sickness at the Government
Service Insurance System (GSIS) and when it was approved, the System advised them to submit their EC approved voucher and other pertinent requirements at ECC for EC cash assistance.
The EC cash assistance for Covid19 is a complementary benefit for employees who contracted the virus due to work-related exposure.
It is a response made by ECC to assists and provide benefits to workers to aid in their needs and augment their income in these times of pandemic.
As always, we want to provide assistance to all our employees both in the private and public sector including our uniformed personnel who suffered from Covid19 in the performance of their official function.
“This is in recognition of their sacrifice in serving the people despite the threat of the pandemic,” said Executive Director Stella Zipagan-Banawis. “These employees are our current heroes, hence they deserve to receive all the benefits available for them.”