The Governance Commission for Government-Owned or -Controlled Corporations (GCG) instructed Government-Owned or -Controlled Corporation (GOCC) officials who are seeking reappointment to submit their requirements by 15 May 2023.
In an 18 Apr. 2023 memorandum for incumbent and acting chief executive officers (CEOs) and members of the GOCC Governing Board, the GCG told GOCC officials whose terms are expiring on 30 June 2023 to submit to the Commission a letter of intent and other documentary requirements listed under GCG Memorandum Circular No. (MC) 2012-04 (Fifth Issue) if they wish to be considered for reappointment.
Requirements include, among others, an Appointive Director Data Form (ADDF), endorsement letter from the sectoral group that the incumbent represents, and clearances from the Civil Service Commission, Office of the Ombudsman, Sandiganbayan, and the National Bureau of Investigation.
Appointive Directors of GOCCs are only allowed a term of one year, pursuant to Section 17 of RA No. 10149.
This also covers CEOs, who are considered Appointive Directors, pursuant to Section 1.4 of MC 2012-04 (Fifth Issue).
The GCG may nominate Appointive Directors for reappointment by the President.
A set of performance criteria is used to determine whether incumbents are eligible for reappointment.
To qualify, nominees must obtain a performance score of above average or its equivalent or higher in the immediately preceding year of their tenure as Appointive Directors.