Overall well-being remains one of our most essential fuels as we face the unique demands of everyday life.
But for those with limited financial resources, priorities are often different as they have to put more time and effort into making ends meet.
Understanding the fight of Filipinos on the ground and believing in the valuable role of healthcare, SM Foundation visits various parts of the country to bring closer medical care to those facing barriers in accessing them.
Just recently, SMFI conducted medical missions for Ilonggo market vendors at the Jaro Gym in Iloilo City from May 16-17, 2023.
The foundation’s medical mission provided preventive medical checkups to a total of 397 beneficiaries on the first day, extending to them several free tests such as sugar tests, cholesterol tests, uric acid tests, X-rays, ECGs, and free medicines and vitamins.

Maximizing the opportunity to empower the community through healthcare, an additional 800 beneficiaries received medical and dental check-ups, tests, and free medicines and vitamins on the second day.
Meanwhile, volunteer dentists also joined the initiative to provide oral health services to over 200 beneficiaries.
The medical mission was held in collaboration with the MX3-DMIRIE Foundation, the local government unit of Iloilo City, Iloilo Medical Society, the Philippine Red Cross Iloilo, West Visayas State University Medical Center, and other partners.

SMFI, through its Health and Medical Programs, upgrades public health centers in its host communities, complemented by its medical caravans across the country.
To date, it has renovated more than 180 health and wellness centers and served over 1.2 million patients during its medical missions.