
We have our palms embedded in the trunks

of trees, embroidered in its leaves were desires

left seasoned by the worms. That the fruits were

products of a hundred laborers, scattered throughout

the jungle of civilization, undisturbed, and the seeds

outgrown the narratives of the past, filling the gaps

of history that sleeps on a specific page of a book.

Our interconnectedness denies lies

that lie beneath the veins of a wildflower, so beautiful,

delicate, yet untrusting. The world can revolve around

as it is, even without a machine. Yet, all our greasy arms

will remain afloat on top of the blood of the forest,

in front of frogs and fish. Wait until the river touches our souls.

By then we would know how naked we are all this time.


Mark Alden Arcenal
Mark Alden Arcenal

Mark Alden Arcenal is a poet, fictionist, and essayist based in Daanbantayan, Cebu. He writes in Cebuano, Filipino, and English. His works have received several awards. They have also been published in magazines, journals, and online.


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