In silence I render my song
In stillness I yield
In the dimness and the brightness
I could see that it is
The One
Still I seek
I am drawn to the distant sound
Of waves splashing on waves
Of rocks breaking on rocks
Of soft rain seeking to blend with mine
Are you the symphony
Are you the silent river
That runs through my thoughts
That floods the cave of my heart
That breaks open the soul to an unknown
Still I seek
I wander where worlds explode
And stars collide
Amid the scent of candles rising
And the smoke of petals burning
Still I seek
In the vastness of your hiding places
In the immensity of a million faces
In the dying light in a pauper’s eyes •
The Call
What time is it in the stars
What is the sound of planets moving
When does a seed start life
How is the beginning
Where is the mind where the soul
When did the sound become a voice a call
When did I hear when did I hearken
Breathless on superhighways
Feeling the moss on pathways
I burn to return
I touch the fire aglow but unseen
I remember not why
I remember when
I remember yes
A time a place
A face always
The heart of silence
Where all ended and began •
The war planes
Head back to the airfields
The sowers trek home
Their baskets emptied of seeds
The lovers run away with the green of crumpled grass
The children at play hurry and go
The monks in the valley gather
Chanting melodies ancient and new
At eventide at eventide
The bells for vespers ring
Am here carrying
Today’s news boiling in my mind
The odor of wet streets
The ripe mangoes I could take
Seventy-seven eyes mine met
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The dust just swept
The sound of weeping joyful and sorrowful
Take all—this hunger
this hymn
At eventide at eventide