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Random Pickings

Why press freedom? Why not responsible journalism?

We hear it often said how important press freedom is to the nation’s sociopolitical health. The reason being is that information is currency, and with...

Suffer the little children

“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” — Novelist James Baldwin Let’s begin...

Falling asleep in the time of the ‘Woke’ generation

  Growing old is not what I thought it would be. As the Polish poet and essayist Zbigniew Herbert wrote, it’s like owning a dog-eared dictionary,...

New World Order: to rob the world blind

  One word describes 2018: exhausting. It was exhausting because of its politics. It was exhausting for its excesses. It was exhausting due to its wanton...

A little lesson in journalistic accuracy

In journalism, there are two ways—and these must be achieved simultaneously—to guarantee accuracy. First, go hot on the trail of the facts, thereby securing backdrop, history and context; and second, the proper use of language. By the latter, I mean the right choice of words,...

Jolo on my mind

  The first filtered photographs that did the rounds of social media came to me as a shock. The explosion ripped the old wooden pews like these were matchsticks, leaving long shards of wood and the occasional metal from God-knows-what scattered across the tiled floor. What...

Suffer the little children

“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” — Novelist James Baldwin Let’s begin with the fact that child crimes are real. And if we’re not careful, this could explode into a full-blown...

Trigger warning

A long a narrow pavement behind the garage of our old home, on a cold night too distant to recall in detail, I stood to give the stars a sidelong glance, poked a 9mm semiautomatic Llama at my temple, and pulled the trigger. Nothing....

Our run-off to the Graphic’s centennial

This June, the Philippines Graphic magazine turns 92 as a magazine title. On our 100th anniversary, the year 2027 (God willing I live that long), I would have reached my 63rd year on this benighted planet—roughly 20 years of which would have been spent...

5 Things I need to do in 2019

The New Year heralds hope. Well, at least, that’s what we all want to believe. Kinda like kicking off a new beginning after the previous 365 days of nonstop pain in the bleep. Call it our personal reboot, the time for some self-examination, and...

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