The National Capital Region Plus (NCR Plus) quarantine is hopefully at an end soon, and we can finally take that summer vacation that we all so richly deserve—while still paying close attention to COVID-19 safety precautions, of course.
So, after rebooking your summer travel plans, here are five tips for traveling in your car this summer season while keeping safe against road mishaps as well as the dreaded pandemic:
Have the car checked before travel. It’s always a good idea to have your car undergo a maintenance checkup before heading out. Your car may already be due for some tender love and care, such as wheel alignment, brake adjustment, tire replacement and such, and you’ll never know unless you have your vehicle inspected and evaluated by a certified professional.
Pack a COVID-19 toolkit for everyone. Make sure every member of your traveling crew is armed with face masks, face shields, and hand sanitizers to last your entire trip. It’s also a good idea to bring with you some disinfecting wipes, disposable gloves, and paper towels in case you need it.
Get the lowdown on your destination. It would be foolish to push through with your vacation if you’re traveling to a place with a high COVID-19 infection rate, so unless you’re vacationing in a private resort with little plans to go anywhere else, it will be better for you to find another place to vacation, or put off vacationing altogether. Visit the local health department’s website or social media page and check out what their safety requirements are, and follow the guidelines every step of the way.
Plot out your itinerary. You need to have a plan laid out for your entire trip, as certain roads and streets may be closed to vehicle traffic due to COVID-19. Not to mention, you may have to contend with multiple checkpoints. If you’re taking a long trip, identify the establishments that you plan to make your stops, and make sure they’re still open for business, because you never know when one might have shut down due to financial hardships brought about by the spate of lockdowns.
Regularly disinfect your car’s surfaces. Door handles, locks, dashboard switches, seats, etc., are surfaces frequently touched, so disinfect them often for your peace of mind. Every time you make a stop, wipe these surfaces clean, and have your occupants rub their hands and extremities with alcohol or sanitizer before entering the vehicle and resuming your travel.
With the COVID-19 pandemic still very much with us, you need to practice extra care and meticulousness if you want to go ahead with your planned summer vacation. A bit of rest and relaxation is especially necessary after what we have all been through, but that doesn’t mean we should also relax on safety precautions. Be vigilant while having fun!