Find Us a Rainbow
(A Song)

Find us a rainbow at the end of the storm
Find us a rendezvous where we can weave a dream
Find us a sunshine at the end of the night
Find us a garden cove where we can share a dream
Find us a shelter where we can hide our fears
There must be a place beneath a radiant sky
There must be a place somewhere
There must be a place where our hearts have a home
There must be some corner in the world
A place where peace and justice reign

Somewhere in time we shall find a place
Where righteousness is rife
And one’s integrity shines like a beacon
And the world is a safer place
Where everyone can shape their life with dignity
And you and I can laugh.


Don Pagusara
Don Pagusara
Don Pagusara started writing at the age of 12. He has written collections of poetry, fiction, and plays in Cebuano, Filipino, and English. Three of his short stories have won the Palanca award. In February 2020, Bathalad, a society of Cebuano poets, included him in the 15 Most Outstanding Cebuano Literary Artists in the Post-WWII era.


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