In Gratitude

In each moment of doubt…
I thank Thee
As I remember the many questions
I tried to ignore,
Who am I
Where am I
Why am I here

In each moment of fear
I thank Thee
As I remember
The mind is a trickster, a tease
Playing games on me

In each moment of wander
Lost in melancholic reverie
I thank Thee
As I remember
Things do happen
As they were meant to be

In each moment of sadness and pain
I thank Thee
As I remember
It cleanses the soul
And purifies the heart
And every teardrop
Is a step within nearer to knowing

In each moment of anger
When something has gone wrong
When somebody has done wrong
I thank Thee
As I remember
I am not at all without sin

In each moment of unforgiving
I thank Thee
As I remember
To look within, not without
Emotions veil the heart and pride
A prickly shrub in disguise
To deviate from the path

In each moment of confusion
I thank Thee
As I remember
To grope for the invisible
Amidst this swirling, cosmetic realities
Catching stars in a wink of an eye
Elusive glimpses of the eternal

In each moment of anguish
I thank Thee
As I remember
To watch with grief
Those who perished without warning
Those who laughed over
The miseries of others,
Such will come to pass
But who must tarry
Who must travel fast
The many paths lead to but One

In each moment of solitude
I thank Thee
As I remember
To wake the spirit in slumber
The Phoenix will rise
And I shall find
I that I am.


Nena Gajudo-Fernandez
Nena Gajudo-Fernandez
Nena Gajudo-Fernandez is a writer, poet, humanist and a student of life.


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