Enchanted Kingdom (EK), the first and only world-class theme park in the Philippines, recently showcased the craftsmanship of the Province of Laguna through the...
Enchanted Kingdom (EK), the first and only world-class theme park in the Philippines, once again created magical memories for all during its Enchanting Mother’s...
And finalist for the IAAPA 2023 Brass Ring Excellence Awards for two categories
Enchanted Kingdom (EK), the first and only world class theme park in...
Enchanted Kingdom (EK), the first and only world class theme park in the Philippines, brightens the holidays with An Enchanted Christmas Story starting with...
Enchanted Kingdom (EK), the first and only world-class theme park in the Philippines, marks its 28th year of creating and providing magical experiences and...
Enchanted Kingdom celebrates its 28th Anniversary this October
Enchanted Kingdom (EK), the first and only world-class theme park in the Philippines, officially launched its 28th-anniversary...