Enchanted Kingdom, the first and only world-class theme park in the Philippines, brings the most magical holiday celebration as it shares five (5) new...
Celebrating its 29th year anniversary, experience the timeless magic of the holidays with a grand spectacle of music, harmony of lights, unlimited rides and...
EK celebrates 29 years with a spectacular anniversary show
Enchanted Kingdom, the first and only world-class theme park in the Philippines, presented a night of...
Enchanted Kingdom (EK), the first and only world-class theme park in the Philippines, officially marked the start of the celebration of its 29th anniversary...
Enchanted Kingdom, the first and only world-class theme park in the Philippines, celebrated the special day of its most beloved character, Eldar the Wizard,...
Enchanted Kingdom, the first and only world-class theme park in the Philippines, turned over its 10th and 11th adopted classrooms to the Southville Elementary...
Enchanted Kingdom, the first and only world class theme park in the Philippines, announces its Chinese New Year and Valentine’s offerings for the month...